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Water and Sanitation


We are expert in the planning and management of major water and sanitation engineering services, assisting both private and public

sector clients.


We undertake detailed feasibility studies, designed to determine appropriate water and sanitation requirements, in line with water accessibility, discharge, processing, terrain challenges and community needs, as well as ongoing operational and maintenance costs.




We recommend solutions capable of meeting existing and future water and sanitation needs and prepare detailed business plans, used to motivate for the provision of Provincial and Municipal Infrastructure Grants.


In effect, we have the capacity and competency to project manage the entire process, inclusive of generating necessary reporting documentation relating to costs and milestones, in line with Treasury regulations.

Design and management of:

  • Water Services:

    • Pipelines;

    • Reservoirs;

    • Pump stations;

    • Reticulation to stand-pipes
      or taps;

    • Water treatment works;

    • Bulk systems;

    • Abstraction works; and

    • Water master plans.


  • Sanitation Services:

    • Waste-water treatment;

    • Pump stations;

    • Reticulation;

    • Dry on-plot systems; and

    • Waste-water master plans

    • Sewer Impact Assessment

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